
Hi everyone, I am Miriam and this is my new story! Enjoy!
“Oh my gosh! MOM! Why did you do THIS!”
“I know sweetie but remember we have to go before you are late, I will tell you everything in the car”
“Mom! I do NOT want to get married to somebody I do NOT know”
“But Honey, You will be in a safe place with one of my friends son, Trust me, You will love him”
“MOM! I can NOT marry this guy, I DON’T KNOW HIM! PLUS I have never met him so how do you know I am going to “LOVE” him!”
“Honey the car is started and I already packed your bags for you, Just come down in 5 minutes or I am going to have to call your Father, Please don’t make this harder then it already is! I will tell you how it happened in the car, So we can go!”
“Fine I said as I crossed my arms over my chest”
“Miriam Dove Joyce! Come on we are going to be LATE!!!” My mom screamed from the car….
~Miriams POV~
“Mom! One minute! I’m coming!!” I screamed back to her as I took one good look at my house before I left and never came back! I shut the door looking in my house one last time so I will never forget the life I had before this one came knocking at my door. I ran to the car and hoped in hoping everything would be good when I get to my other life, As my mom says, The perfect life for you with my best friends son. Well, My mom said,
“I was 20 and pregnant with you when I met Mrs. White and she had her son which he was about 2 or 3 years old, Your father and Mr. White where best buds in the military and they both made a deal that one of the daughters that I had and the first son they had would get married…..” My mom said…. I kind of dozed off in the car when my mom told me the story on how I got in to this mess….. ZzZzZz…… I heard a young mans voice when I was waking up…. Miriam……. Miriam….. About the second time I heard my name getting called I woke up and I was looking in to the face of a Angel in heaven, He had coal black hair with emerald green eyes and a cloud white T-shirt with blue jeans….. You would even mistake him to be a Angel, Even the name makes you think you are in heaven, I sat up and said….
“Where am I?”
“Your at your new home and I am Gabriel, your new husband… Well…. Future husband…”
I cut him off before he said anymore…..
“Wow! Wait a second! You do NOT want to know how much I wanted YOU to say that and not someone else! So, Did you just say that YOU are my future HUSBAND!!!”
He said as he rolled his eyes, He got up and helped me up and started walking up the front steps of a MANSON!
“Follow!?: Gabriel said in a annoyed voice,
I rolled my eyes and followed him inside this GIANT Manson, A woman about the age of 40 wearing and wearing a dark red suite ran up to me squealing to me and hugged me!! I hugged her back until like 10 minutes and I brought my self away… As I was getting squished by this lady, Gabriel my future husband went up a set of steps and down a hall and went out of my site…. The lady looked at me and squealed and hugged me again but not as long as last time and said,
“Hi! Miriam, That is your name, Correct?”
“Yes, I am Miriam, and you are?”
“Oh! I am so sorry I forgot to tell you my name but anyway my name is Judy or Mrs. White as your mom called me probably…”
She squealed again and hugged me AGAIN and re began speaking,
“Ohh!!! I cant believe this is actually happening! But anyway, You can call me Mom if you want…. But please let me show you around!”
“Sure, why not?” I replayed back to her with a confused look on my face.
She brought be down a hall and brought me in to a room but this room was Beautiful!! It was a dinning room with a cherry table with 17 place settings and cherry chairs with red cushions on them, My mouth droped!
“Miriam? A-are you alright?” Judy said to me
“I shut my mouth and replied
“I know, Let me show you to a few more rooms and then you have to go up stairs to your bedroom and change for the dinner which is at 8 and then I will show you the rest of the rooms when ever you want to.”
I proceeded to look at all the Beautiful rooms from the “Bath room” which was in a light blue color that was just there for company and so you wouldn’t have to run to your room to use the “Bath room” and then I went to the “Kitchen” it was in this warm yellow color with 2 fridges and a giant freezer and a island counter with bar stools under the island,
“Miriam, look, You can come down here and eat anytime if you want but I just ask you to try not to be late for dinner which is at 8 O’clock every night, Don’t try to clean your mess up, It makes my chef unhappy, The chef’s name is Joseph, He doesn’t really like to be called Joe, Sorry! But only on special occasions we wont eat at 8 pm every night and I will tell you win, Okay?
“Yes, Ma’am”
she smiled at me and winked and continue to the next room which was the “Sitting room”, It looked like a library to me, It was lined with books from one end of the wall to the other end of the wall, It had 2 rocking chairs in a corner and 2 desks with 2 Leather chairs pushed in the desks, There was a giant window on one side of the wall, It had a view of mountains, After we went out of that room and we were back in the main lobby where I first started, Mom pointed up one set of stairs where Gabriel went up and said the third door on the left is your bedroom, Now you better go get ready, I went where she directed me and opened the doors to my NEW bedroom, It was white! The bed had a Beautiful comforter with gold symbols on it and a white couch that was curved and a big ataman in the middle with OMG a BIG SCREEN TV and of course someone had to ruin it for me when Gabriel was on the bed looking up at the ceiling
“Come on in and welcome to our new bed room”
“OMG! I can NOT believe this!” I squealed and ran in circles around the room
“If you go behind the door to your left is your closet and over there is the bath room *He pointed his finger*”
I ignored him and ran to my closet like a little girl running after a lollipop or a puppy, I opened the door to my closet and OMG there is a spa in my closet!!! I ran inside and looked at everything! There was 19 rows of shoes all my size and there was a section of blue and red and green and white and black and every color you can THINK of!
This article may be reprinted or quoted in whole or part as long as Miriam Marlow remains the source credit.